corporate america dropout and proud of it american dream is dead leaving the workforce

I am a Corporate America dropout

I am a Corporate America dropout

… and proud of it.


I did everything I was supposed to do. I went to college and worked my way up the ladder. Here’s the data:

Age 16: New Job. Hamburger Shop - $12,480/yr

Age 17: New Job. Hoagie Shop - $15,600/yr

Age 18: New Job. Eyeglasses Lab - $18,720/yr

** Went to College

Age 19: New Job. Magazine Racks - $20,800/yr

Age 20: New Job. Warehouse Worker - $23,400/yr

Age 21: Laid off. Company loses biggest contract.  Graduate College. Job Search.

Age 22: Back to old Job. Eyeglass Lab Supervisor - $26,000/yr

Age 23: New Job. Graphic Designer - $29,000/yr

Age 25: Promoted. Web Designer - $35,000/yr

Age 28: Promoted. Internet Specialist - $45,000/yr

Age 29: Quit and move to San Diego for a new job

Age 30: New Job. Web Developer - $60,000/yr

Age 32: Promoted. Webmaster - $80,000/yr

Age 33: Start my own side business 

Age 34: Promoted. Creative Director - $100,000/yr

** Got Married

Age 35: Fired for spending too much time on the side business. Become Full Time Business Owner. Have to pay myself.  My Salary cut 60%. Business has a new burden and bleeds money. Open a store front in San Diego and have events.

** COVID 19

Age 37: Automated Shipping. New Manufacturing. Closed the shop with plans to travel, save money, cut overhead. Location Independence aka Remote Worker. Create New Partnerships. Start New Businesses.

Age 38: Sell 90% of belongings and finalize all plans.

Age 39: Travel and work remotely. Work from Hotels, AirBnB's, Coffee Shops, etc. Visited Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan.

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